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ProgrammeDay 1 15.00-15.30 Welcome. Presentation of schedule & organization. Introduce speakers. 15.30-16.30 Keynote interdisciplinary seminar. The History of Time (Jimena Canales) 16.30-18.00 Welcome drinks. Brief introductions by participants.
Day 2 9.30-12.30 Topic 1: Duration 9.30-10.30 Introduction to time and duration (Sylvie Droit-Volet) 45 mins +15 mins Q & A 10.30-11.00 Cognitive neuroscience of time (Virginie van Wassenhove) 20 mins+10 mins Q & A 11.00-11.15 Coffee 11.15-12.00 Introduction to the physics of time (TBC) 30 mins +15 mins Q & A 12.00 - 12.30 Preliminary open discussion with philosopher (Elie During) 12.30-14.30 Lunch & posters 14.30-16.00 Short poster presentations Part 1 16.00-17.00 Practical demonstration Duration estimation experiment (Laurence Casini)
Day 3 9.30-12.15 Topic 2: Fragmented time in schizophrenia 9.30 -10.30 Introduction to simultaneity and order (Anne Giersch) 10.30-11.00 Clinical disturbances in the perception of time (Hélène Wilquin) 11.00-11.15 Coffee 11.15-11.45 How time changed physical theories (TBC) 11.45 -12.15 Open discussion with philosopher (Elie During) and historian (Jimena Canales) 12.15 -14.00 Lunch & posters 14.00-15.30 Short poster presentations Part 2 15.30-17.00 Topic 3: Topic 3: Timing in non-human animals (David Robbe and 2 other speakers TBC)
Day 4 9.30-12.00 Topic 4: Rhythms 9.30-10.30 Introduction to rhythms, music and neural oscillations (Benjamin Morillon) 10.30-11.00 Developmental trajectory of rhythm processing (Anne Bobin-Bègue) 11.00-11.15 Coffee 11.15-11.45 Ecological rhythm processing in animals (Andrea Ravignani) 11.45-12.15 Open discussion with philosopher (Elie During) and historian (Jimena Canales) 12.15 -14.00 Lunch & posters 14.00-17.00 Project presentations by small workgroups
Day 5 9.30-11.00 Topic 5: Neuroecomics of time in decisions and movements 9.30-10.30 Theoretical introduction (Bastien Berret) 10.30-11.00 Pathological sensitivity to time: from depression to impulsivity (Julie Duque) 11h-11.15 Coffee 11.15-12.15 Summary and evaluation of the week 12.15 -14.00 Farewell lunch
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