CNRS residential summer school
15-19 Sep 2025 Porquerolles (France)

Registration request & fees

Registration fees cover accommodation for the entire duration of the summer school (4 nights), all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) plus boat transfer to Porquerolles from the "Tour Fondue" port.

The summer school is offered as part of the CNRS permanent training program ("Ecole Thematique") and is therefore free to all CNRS employees.  

  • You are considered CNRS if you are employed by the CNRS - i.e. if your salary slip is headed with the CNRS logo. 
  • You are considered non-CNRS if you are employed by a university, hospital, INSERM, CEA or other (even if you work in a CNRS lab).


Registration fees

  • CNRS researchers, engineers, students and postdocs                     FREE
  • non-CNRS researchers & lecturers                                                700 euros
  • non-CNRS students & postdocs                                                     400 euros
  • private sector                                                                             900 euros                                            


Preliminary registration request

Unfortunately space is limited and subject to funding constraints.

To be eligible for consideration, and prior to formal registration, please send an email before April 25th 2025 using the @Contact link at the bottom of the left-hand menu.  Please include the following information:

  • name
  • affiliation
  • area of research (and interest in the field of timing)
  • career stage (PhD, postdoc, lecturer, researcher)
  • employer


Registration & payment

Once your registration request has been accepted by the organisers, we will provide details of how to register on this website using the "Registration" liink in the left hand menu, and how to pay using the "Azur colloque" portal

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